Articularis Genus

This muscle arises deep to vastus intermedius, from the distal third of the femur, and inserts into the fibrous portion of the articular capsule of the knee joint at the level of the suprapatellar bursa. 

See also Vastus intermedius, for additional information on this muscle.


Didio, L.J.A., Zappala, A., Cardoso, A.D., R.A. Diaz. (1969) Musculus articularis genu in human fetuses, newborn and young individuals. Anat. Anz. 124:121-132.

Macalister, A. (1875) Additional observations on muscular anomalies in human anatomy (third series), with a catalogue of the principal muscular variations hitherto published. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. Sci. 25:1-134.