Thyroarytenoideus and Vocalis

A superior thyroarytenoideus muscle, in the form of a thin band, arises from the inner, anterior superior surface of the thyroid cartilage and crosses the cartilage and thyroarytenoideus, inserting on the inferior lateral aspect of the arytenoid cartilage of the larynx.

The portion of vocalis that inserts onto the the vocal ligament has been designated the aryvocalis (Ludwig) muscle.

In the same region, a small, somewhat square-shaped muscle extends superiorly from the aryepiglottic muscle (which arises from the oblique arytenoid) to insert into the connective tissue of the aryepiglottic fold. Its name is arymembranaceus.

Unusual Muscles of the Larynx

From Toldt, 1928.


From Toldt, 1919.
