Adductor Magnus

Adductor magnus may be inseparable from quadratus femoris. In this particular case the terminal branch of the internal (medial) circumflex artery appeared to pierce the upper part of the muscle. Irregular slips from adductor magnus may insert onto the adductor tubercle. Adductor magnus varies in its degree of segmentation, its condyloid part Macalister found to be quite distinct. A similar slip has been reported by Weber and by Hildebrandt. A separate slip into the lower piller of the tendinous arch of insertion is described by Henle. Adductor minimus is often regarded as a part of adductor magnus, with which it is often united.

Syn.: m. adductor femoris magnus, grand adducteur profond (Cruveilheir), m. adductor triceps, caput magnus or tertium.


See Henle 1871 reference, with Adductor Longus.

See Macalister 1875 reference, with Adductor Longus.

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